The Compassion Antidote

Cathy Taughinbaugh

Certified Parent and Life Coach

Support for families struggling with substance use

Better Communication
Tools That Work
Regain Your Hope

If you are concerned about your teen or young adult, explore the range of resources to support you!

Is your child struggling with drugs or alcohol?

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"The positive reinforcement and staying connected to my child has been the BEST advice I’ve heard. I’d never been told this before connecting with Cathy, but it immediately resonated with me, whereas all of the other advice did not."

~ Amelia, a mom from Florida

"Parents seeking guidelines, particularly around the complicated and controversial issues of substance use, will find a solid path in The Compassion Antidote. Parents of middle/high schoolers should read this book."

~ D'Anne Burwell, author of Saving Jake

"I have so appreciated the support of this group over the past few years. Having a place where I can go has been extremely valuable, and people really get what I am going through. I believe the support, perspective, and container provided have affected my daughter’s recovery and my ability to support her (and myself) through some really challenging times. I am deeply grateful.

~ Heidi, a mom from California

"Within the pages of The Compassion Antidote: A Path to Change for You and Your Child Struggling with Substance Use, Cathy Taughinbaugh shares her wisdom, warmth, help, and hope for parents trying to find their way on one of life's most difficult journeys. This little book is a gem that parents will want to keep close at hand….every step of the way."

~ Sandy Swenson, author of The Joey Song

I have learned so much from this course, and I plan to go through it again and take notes. The interviews are amazing! 

~ Tony, a dad from Virginia


Hi, I'm Cathy!

I'm a mom of three wonderful adult children and a grandparent to four amazing grandsons. My children are doing well now, but it wasn't always this way.

I understand the pain that you are going through if you are a parent of a son or daughter suffering from substance use.

I started my blog to provide the best information to help parents concerned about their teens or young adults.

My goal is to help parents find answers so they and their children can feel better and live healthier lives.

Families are crucial when it comes to helping their children change. You can stay close and help your child be the person they were meant to be. The Community Reinforcement and Family Training Approach, or CRAFT, provides excellent tools for parents seeking to influence positive change with their teen or young adult. I am certified in the Invitation to Change Approach, which includes the CRAFT concepts.

Cathy's  mission:

As a result of her journey with her child’s drug use, Cathy has been dedicated to helping other parents struggling because of their child's substance use.

Know you are NOT alone!

Join our community and get information on how to help your son or daughter change and live a healthy life.


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Support for Families Concerned About Drug Or Alcohol Use with Cathy Taughinbaugh
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