teen marijuana use

How to Help Prevent Teen Marijuana Use: Meet Debbie Berndt

Are you concerned about teen marijuana use?

Would having some tools and information be helpful?

Today I’m excited to be interviewing Debbie Bernt, an advocate for preventing teen drug use, especially marijuana use.

Debbie is the founder of ParentMovement 2.0.

According to the website, “ParentMovement2.0.org is designed to help parents quickly understand marijuana in the 21st century, and also the broader context of teenage drug and alcohol use – the ultimate goal – reducing the underage use of marijuana, alcohol, nicotine, and all other drugs.”

Here is my interview with Debbie:



The impact of early substance use

Early use of marijuana, alcohol, nicotine, and other drugs can harm the teenage brain. It is crucial to delay any experimentation which can lead to dependence.

Here is an example of two teenage brains, one who did not use marijuana and a two-year daily marijuana user. The image below clearly shows the damage that is being done.

teen marijuana useSign the pledge

A “substance-free” childhood for your kids and their friends will give them a better chance of not having their life derailed by dependences on substances. Sign the “I’m In” pledge now with information to help your teen navigate away from drugs and alcohol.

Here are some other links that you may find helpful from the Parent Movement 2.0 website:

teen marijuana use

About Parent Movement 2.0:

The substance-landscape has changed significantly since most of today’s parents were teens. Understanding of drugs and alcohol in the 21st century has advanced considerably, but it has not become common parental insight as yet. Important points are:

  • Adult addiction is seen as a childhood-onset disease – an illness that shows up in adulthood, but that started in childhood.

  • Teens from families with a history of addiction are 50% more at risk of developing an addiction themselves.

  • Three (3) drugs are now considered gateway drugs for adolescents – Marijuana, Alcohol & Nicotine.

  • The use of one statistically shows greater use of the others – contradicting any notion that one drug can be better for teens than others.

Many parents need to get up-to-date on substances, and some need to re-prioritize parenting against them. Parent Movement 2.0 hopes to provide 1) education – easily accessible information, 2) ways to connect with other parents (Parent Peer Groups), and 3) ways to take broader action if interested (Parent Community Groups).

Let’s help our kids stay healthy through the teen years. The teen and young adult years are challenging and complex for all. Teens need this time to develop their minds and bodies in a healthy way. It’s important to understand what your child is going through and the stresses that can turn to substance use.

The more you can lay the groundwork for your son or daughter to have a healthy experience throughout their teen years, the greater the chance they will have a healthier future.

It’s important to take any early experimentation seriously. Look for resources, such as the Parent Movement 2.0, so that you can effectively talk to your child and help them have a healthy start in life.

What has helped you prevent teen marijuana use?


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How to Help Prevent Teen Marijuana Use: Meet Debbie Berndt

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